Tips For Using Your Thermal Camera

Thermal cameras are awesome for taking high quality images. Unfortunately, however, because these cameras are not super common, many people are unsure of exactly how to use them. If you want to get great images with your thermal camera every time, following a few simple tips can really help, even if you are a beginner with this type of camera or with photography in general.

Choose Focus Carefully

Often, when an image turns out blurry or lower-quality, people tend to blame their thermal cameras. And, while a low quality thermal camera can sometimes caused distortion across images, the problem is a lot more likely to be your focus.

Focus is important when using any type of camera, but especially for thermal cameras. The best advice is to know when to use what focus type based on your distance from the subject. Automatic focus is a good safe bet when you're unsure or new to photography, but fixed or manual often work best when you're dealing with unstable conditions or have specific needs.

Keep Extra Batteries on Hand

Thermal cameras have a demanding job to do, a job that is more demanding than just your average camera. As such, it shouldn't surprise you to learn that these cameras tend to go through batteries quickly. When the battery is getting low on your camera, it may adjust in the form of lower image quality. You can have an always-available and quick solution for this issue, should you notice it, by having extra batteries available and ready to go.

Even if you're not sure if battery power or lack thereof is the reason for your images not turning out like you want, switching out the batteries for a little trial and error is quick and effortless and can ultimately make a big difference.

Lower Spatial Resolution

One final tip to keep in mind if your images are looking blurry and out of focus is to lower the spatial resolution. On a good thermal camera, you should be able to do this with just a few taps or clicks. When you lower the spatial resolution, especially when trying to capture very detailed images or very small items, quality is instantly improved.

If you can follow these tips and take steps to further educate yourself on how best to use a thermal camera, your images can turn out as great as you want them to.
